Mindfulness Based Wholeness Practices
to promote mental and emotional wellness
—all from the comfort of our home.
Is your mind full or are you mindful? Why are Fortune 500 executives and Silicon Valley techies increasingly obsessing with this question?
Experts say that on the average, the human mind receives from 40,000–60,000 thoughts per day. Out of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive—like broken records trying to take you down. Enter COVID-19 and global pandemic; can you just imagine the mental clamor that’s going on in our brains—in the brains of our employees and customers? Wave after wave of mostly bad news, crashing down on us, nonstop, like tsunamis.
I am Joana Alberto, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Ignite Centre for Peak Experiences. It takes practice (Practice!) to be in control of our thoughts. Conversely, it takes practice not to let our thoughts go out of control!
Living in a VUCA world—volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous—life is not as simple and easy as it was even just 10 years ago. We need to be able to choose what’s going on inside our heads if we want to live a peaceful life. The good news: there is a way to slow down our monkey minds. It’s all about being mindful.
Mindfulness is being in the present moment—without judgment. Proven, tested, and practiced by successful leaders and celebrities. Apple, Nike, and Google are all big in Workplace Mindfulness. Mindfulness classes are being used by Silicon Valley tech giants to combat stress and toxic work.
So here it is: 30 MINUTES EVERYDAY MINDFULNESS. Our gift in this time of crisis, free for all. A daily livecast Monday to Friday, plus recorded podcasts of guided mindfulness exercises you can use 24/7, as you like or need.
And you heard it right; it’s free! The same antidotes as in Fortune 500 and SIlicon Valley. Simple routines, fun virtual exchange of energy, for anyone and everyone who wish to start the day positive and purposeful. We call it the 30 Minutes SOULPAD.
I will be your host, and I look forward to seeing you Monday to Friday, 8–8:30AM, Manila time, every morning.
We all have our battlefields, we all have our fights in this, humanity's one big fight.
Let's each do our part. COVID-19 will not beat us.
Joana Regina L. Alberto
Co-Founder & Managing Partner
Ignite Centre for Peak Experiences
Manila, 22 March 2020
Simple routines, fun virtual exchange of energy,
for anyone and everyone who wish to start the day
positive and purposeful.
Open conversations, real stories,
and mindfulness-based exercises
to help drive self-care practices and behaviors
that lead to peak wholeness.
Live, Collaborative, Experiential
Uniquely at the nexus of corporate, innovation, venture capital, and igniting all we touch to their greatest promise.
You’ve never met anyone like us.
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