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Welcome to the science and practice of continuously mapping your most relevant opportunities for business growth and market impact – here we tackle weekly case studies and discuss live applications within the community. Join Andre Yap and Miguel Aranaz of Ignite House, as they share actionable insights on how to find the opportunities that are ripe for the taking.
If everything was certain, if everything was working out the way it should, we wouldn’t be able to find opportunity. In this day and time where everything is uncertain, unsure, and changing, opportunities can still be found all around us. How do we find these opportunities? How do we make opportunities part of our way of life?
Remember that no matter where you are, there will always be a next-level for you and there will always be more opportunities out there. But you will not find or create opportunity by stating the obvious, because that’s what everyone else is doing. So what then is the pathway to digging deeper and peeling off the layers so that you are getting to the less obvious, to the more innovative opportunities? It is empathy. It is passion. And it is falling in love with the stakeholders that we want to serve. We must first start with the stakeholder and then develop a problem statement based on a clear and intimate connection with that stakeholder. From here, the opportunities will arise. This practice of customer-centricity is a discipline we will revisit across many different industries and sectors, over the next few weeks, whether it be food, shopping, education, finance, personal care, and so on.
Andre Yap
Founder & CEO
Ignite House
A weekly community practice in empathy, compassion, and falling in love with customers as whole beings – our critical path to relevance, growth, and impact in our markets.
What is the most important aspect of life these days that needs the most radical innovations in terms of improving customer journey and experience?
To facilitate the insights and opportunities discussed during this GrowthLab, we used the concept of Build-to-Learn, a series of solo workouts and iterations that are followed by peer discussion. This is what allows us to fully realize and actualize the right opportunities for us during the New Normal.
Real stories help ground real problems. The closer the story is to you, the more powerful your insights are in terms of what the problem really is and you feel more compelled to address them. You might not have the answer now but it serves as Northstar that keeps you focused on what is really important to the stakeholder.
We need to have a more concise guideline to be able to pinpoint our stakeholders, target impact, and target delta better.
I appreciate the idea of beginning and focusing on your stakeholders. It is important to prioritize your stakeholders and their needs as they are the backbone of every business. Given that, I believe in developing a customer-centric approach as it gives a more personal and human experience.
Problems are opportunities for innovation. But in order to effectively innovate something that is impactful to society, we must fall in love with the problem and approach it with empathy and compassion.
My key takeaway is probably how people are constantly looking for opportunities and how diverse people tackle these opportunities. Either in business, education, or in a domestic setting, everyone is just finding ways to adjust and see this pandemic as a way to either restart or start something in order to improve their lives or that of others.
People tend to jump into solutions and ideas when thinking of business ventures. This is a dangerous space to begin with, because everything is based on surface level facts and/or assumptions. Plus this translates to higher risks of failure. If we are truly connected with our key stakeholders, through empathy, love & compassion, REAL opportunities are endless.
Think out of the box and look for opportunities to pivot and change focus.
As a community of practice, we learn from and with each other.
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